The biggest concern for me with my masters project is not having a story that will entice an audience, despite the fact that to me, the story is not the most important part of the project. I want to focus on style and using the 3D software to make the world look sharp and 3-Dimensional. However, I have spent the last week or so trying to develop something more solid as a story - as well as simplifying what I have. Our character is first seen walking through rows of medical tents. She is losing polygons that fall to the ground to leave a trail of pulsing red shards. As she continues, we see that she is following a beep on her wrist monitor until she pulls back a tent flap and finds what she was looking for. This is something that can cure her, a USB stick or an SD card, something that she slots into the wrist monitor (That is possibly a part of her) cures her. The pulsing red trail of polygons stops and fades and she lets out a sigh of relief. But everywhere she looks there are piles ...