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Showing posts with the label glitch

Avoiding the Cliches

After discussing the initial post-apocalyptic idea with my course leader it became apparent just how obvious the cliches in my story would be. We talked about how I could either try and completely avoid the cliches or find a twist, a difference in them that would intrigue the audience. Already, the style I'm working with is going to be different from a lot of what has been done before but the story itself has to change. One of the big cliches I've fallen into is this idea of a self-sufficient character who has some kind of military experience or background. So to avoid this issue I would like to avoid this "soldier stereotype" by making my main character some kind of nurse or paramedic, or perhaps a fire fighter or medic in the armed forces. With this kind of character I can have a uniform that could be recognised by the audience, something familiar that grounds them in the universe. I was also watching the original Blade Runner with my family last night...